Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Amazing! It's been almost 3 months since I've posted anything, and once again, crying chicks are in the news.

This time, it's Hillary. She "teared up" during a question and answer session in New Hampshire. Woah - stop the presses! A presidential candidate got emotional? Somebody page Wolf Blitzer!
In other news, I miss Miles O'Brien. He was funny and nerdy without being cocky. Unlike John Roberts, who is just an ass. That's a technical term. But I'm still watching American Morning, because it's better than watching the crap local news or watching Matt and Meredith fawn all over each other on Today.
I'm still trying to cut back on TV, but I am addicted to Between the Lions on PBS. They have a cartoon about Cliff Hanger who is hanging from a cliff (duh) and is always trying to get down. And they have a dinosaur named Thesuarus. And don't forget about Gawain's Word! And Fred! Oh, man. It's awesome.
By way of baby update, Sam is almost 10 months old. He's a championship speed-crawler, and he's cruising like crazy too. His personality is really coming out. He is, of course, incredibly bright. (Would I say he wasn't?) Here he is with Poppy on Thanksgiving:
It's fun now that the house is babyproofed and he can move around. He always goes right to the one thing in the room that is the least safe, of course, but for the most part, I can let him move around on his own and get some things done, especially upstairs. The office is still a problem, but I can check my email while he's playing, so that's nice.
Anyway, back to work!
Thanks for the props! I don't miss getting up at 0245 - but I do miss the program.
Props are sincere, Miles - AM is not the same without you. Glad you're sleeping better; too bad my mornings are worse for it. Hey, don't tell Roberts what I said about him. I wouldn't want him to get testy.
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