Vanity Search
Mary Ann Bevans - The Homeliest Woman in the World
Welcome to, a virtual collection of photos and bios of famous and ... Mary Ann Webster was born in London, England in 1874, one of eight children. - 5k - Cached
Okay, first of all, what's this website? Nice. Now, just so you can enjoy the full effect of this, here is a photo of Mary Ann Bevans, The Homeliest Woman in the World:

Uh-huh. Now, by way of comparison, here's a photo on Ann Bevans, Not the Homeliest Woman in the World (I hope):

Can you see why this is distressing to me? How many hapless, potential clients are punching "Ann Bevans" into their search engines, only to happen upon "Mary Ann Bevans: The Homeliest Woman in the World"? How many of them think that's me? This is not helpful, professionally or otherwise.
Okay, you got me. That photo is pre-baby. To be completely transparent, I submit this photo from the final days of my pregnancy, back when I had my own gravity:
Can you see the moons? Seriously, North Korea was launching spy satellites into orbit around my belly. Someone should look into that. Miles, that's your beat, right?
Anyway, my point (if I have one), is that the internet isn't fair. There. I said it. One day you're tap tap tapping away about John Roberts ruining American Morning, and the next day you've got space junk floating around your mid-section. Or worse yet, you've got Mary Ann Bevans: The Homeliest Woman in the World.
Ann - think of how slow her work must have been. The internet wasn't even INVENTED until 1984 when Dan Quayle made all our jobs easier (but let out your little family secret.) Oh well, could be worse, I saw this little 22-inch tall Jamaican woman at a fair once, and... oh, nevermind.
you didn't have moons! i saw you and you were gorgeous. you still are.
i think you should make tshirts that say 'bevans group (picture of mary ann bevans) don't let your marketing be homely' or something with more wit, but you get the idea. if she's dominating the searches, use her.
hugs and kisses!
Maybe the shirts should just have her photo with the following caption:
Mary Ann Bevans
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