Monday, May 08, 2006

Server's up!

Oh, thank goodness.

On Saturday, after guitar, Dave and I stopped by the office to check on the perennially churning big server, which has been working to replicate itself onto the little server pretty much non-stop for 3 weeks. It was a little like watching a golden retriever trying to schtup a dachshund. Only less gross.

Anyway, it hasn't exactly been non-stop. In fact, the process seemed to get stuck constantly - whenever I wasn't there to watch it. "Are you sure you want to move the read-only file 'screw_you_you_aint_here_to_watch_me.gif?'" Um, YES! That's why I clicked MOVE.

Anyway, we stopped by on Saturday and it was finally DONE! Yippee! I took everything apart, made Dave carry it to the car, made Dave carry it in the house, directed him to a spot on the floor where he could put everything down, then promptly forgot about it.

Hey, I had a RECITAL.

Sunday, I played in my recital, then came home and recorded my songs, which I plan to post online shortly, and otherwise avoided work.

Finally, today I had to get some things done. But why work when there's a server to set up? Ah ha! That's procrastination in action.

Turns out it was the best thing I could have done. As the network came online and I started to move files off my desktop (where my Dave Matthews hottie background was completely obscured by icons - the horror!) and onto the server, my mind cleared as well. It was literally like a weight had been lifted.

Ah, the little, unexpected triumphs.

It's 11 pm. I'm done for the night. Almost time to get up and do it all again.


Blogger that girl said...

whoosh! (that was time... flying...) i'm so proud of you, lumpy. for making such good decisions...

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

10:50 AM  

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