Finally, baby pic

Now, you're probably wondering what the heck that is. So I made up this little diagram for you:

Got it? Good.
Incidentally, I am the queen of stick-people drawing.
Even four weeks ago, the spud was starting to look like an actual baby, with kicking parts and everything! I still can't feel anything, but I heard the heartbeat on a doppler monitor today at my checkup. The doctor said, "Sometimes it's kind of hard to hear this early..." But when she put the wand on my belly, it went "Ch-chunk ch-chunk ch-chunk" just as pretty as you please.
Two weeks til blood work, 6 weeks till our "big" ultrasound. Hopefully squish won't be shy and we'll get to tell what the sex is!!
you ARE the queen of stick figure drawing! awesome!
I know, Jen. I'm a rock star.
We could play foetus hangman
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