Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Why is it that some of my male clients feel it's appropriate to call me "babe"?

Don't get me wrong. I have a great, casual relationship with several of my male clients, and frankly I wouldn't mind if those people called me "babe." But the thing is, those people aren't the ones who do it. And maybe that's why I have a great, casual relationship with them.

I come from Baltimore, and in Baltimore everybody calls everybody else "hon." So I find that acceptable, but only if you have a Baltimore accent. Otherwise, let's stick to the name my parents gave me.

I am thinking about outlawing the use of the word "babe" in my business. Maybe I'll set up a three strikes policy. If I already had that established, I would have been able to fire the guy I just got off the phone with, because he called me babe six times in that one call alone.

Short list of men who can call me "babe:"

My husband (the current one only)
My father
Dave Matthews

That's it. If you're a man, and you aren't on that list, "babe" me at your own risk. You have been warned!!


Blogger that girl said...

no one calls me babe. i'm sure it would piss me off if they did, but why am i not babe-worthy?

it's funny, but andrew calls everyone babe, and it makes me so jealous...

3:59 PM  
Blogger babyoog said...

Aw. I thought I was special. :)

It's not that I mind my friends calling me babe. It's just when it's at work. Particulary when you aren't so chummy with the person who's doing it. It just seems so condescending.

4:03 PM  
Blogger unique_stephen said...

Don't come down under then, every body calls you 'mate'.

8:33 AM  

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