Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yep, I'm old

Yesterday was my birthday.

My apologies to Andrew, who scolded me for not telling him when my birthday was (in advance) so he could "send me a card or something." I don't quite understand how he doesn't remember the date. After all, we had physics together in 12th grade. (Well, 11th grade, if you are wee Andrew).

Wee Andrew. That sounds funny. He's hardly wee, is he?

You know who IS wee? Samson! I passed around the ultrasound at the j.o.b. today, and everyone oohed and aahed. I felt a pang of maternal pride. That was kind of cool.

So I'm sitting around the j.o.b., hesitant to go home because I know the house is empty, and that's lame. Dave is going to Max's basketball game tonight down at Edmund Burke. And the traffic is going to be horrible for both of us.

Work was actually kind of rewarding today. I put together a booklet for a presentation the guys have on Thursday. I got praised. I didn't see my boss all day. Overall, it was not too bad a day.

Why, oh why, won't my inbox accept big messages anymore? I find it irritating.

Blah blah. I've lost it. Too late for writing. Til tomorrow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I get you a walking stick and a subscription to a seniors magazine?

10:54 PM  

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