Sunday, February 10, 2008

Walking is a blast

As baby phases go, I was deeply concerned about walking. The idea of chasing Sam back and forth and up and down just did not appeal to me. I thought my life would get so much more complicated.

Looks like I was wrong.

Walking is awesome! Sure, I have to follow him around a little bit. I have to keep him away form the floor lamps and the trash can and the oven (which still isn't child proofed), but my lord! This is so much better!

First of all, he can explore all kinds of things on his own. This makes toy fatigue a thing of the past. He can go from one thing to another and play for as long as he wants to play before moving on to the next thing. And I don't have to guess!

Secondly, I don't have the hold his hand every second, which means that I don't have to do the hunch back dance. Not only is this good for my back, but I can actually sit in one spot and watch him play, only jumping up when I have to intercede on behalf of the aforementioned floor lamp or trash can or oven.

By the way, he moos at cows.


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