Friday, July 25, 2008


Silliness persists chez babyoog.

So long-lost Randy, the high school friend with the something-starting, possibly lesbian (according to Stephen) wife, and I were supposed to get together a couple weeks ago to catch up. But then there was all this drama. Now I'm in a holding pattern. Oh well.

It's kind of a shame because I've been waiting for 15 years to reconnect with him, but apparently it's still not the right time. It's making me wonder if there ever will be a right time. I hope so.

In other news, I'm thinking really hard about going to graduate school. I wish I'd gone right after undergrad, but things didn't work out that way. (I was pretty boneheaded back then! :) ) But unlike some regrets, it's never too late to rectify this one.

It would be a ways off. I want to have another baby first, and I have to ramp up so I'm as fresh with the material as my just-graduated counterparts (including taking the GRE and subject test), but I think I'm ready to prove that you really can go back to school after all these years.

Johns Hopkins University has two very cool programs - a PhD in English and American Literature and an MFA in Fiction. Not sure how many people they accept into the PhD program each year. They accept 6 each year to the MFA program, so it's very competitive. Pretty much a dream. But I'm awesome, right? :)

So what of Bevans Group? Well, honestly, I'm tired. It's been eight years, and it's been an awesome ride, but I'm starting to feel like I've learned everything I can learn from this journey. And it's exciting to think about heading off in a completely different direction, even if it's a ways off.

Woo hoo!


Blogger Unknown said...

go for it girl!!!

change is good. it is my motto. we don't ever grow from doing the same thing over and over. we grow from change.

what's plan b??

5:10 PM  
Blogger babyoog said...

Plan B could be lots of things. I'm sure I'll be applying more than once place. Plus I'm working on a novel. Plus I've got a few other schemes I'm cooking up. :) One thing at a time though.

7:29 PM  

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