Tuesday, June 13, 2006

And again

We're on our way now. Zed is at 15.6, which means only 2.5 more to go before it's go time. I have to take another shot and go back tomorrow. The doctor thinks we'll be ready to trigger this bad boy (girl? zygote!) tomorrow night, then we'll go back on Friday for Dave's (only) procedure.

Then we wait. 17 long days.

I hate to say it, but I'm a little aggravated because this has really taken a lot of time out of my life. I have absolutely no control over when I have to be at the doctor's office. They only do these tests between 7 and 10 in the morning, and I have to be there on the days they say, or we risk either getting too many ova or none at all. So if I have a meeting, (which I do tomorrow morning), I'm basically SOL.

It's so stupid that I feel that way. Nothing is more important than this. Nothing.

Plus there's this: just wait until the KID gets here. But at least if your kid is sick, you can say, "My kid is sick." I can't say, "Sorry I'm not going to make the big meeting tomorrow. I have to get my follicles checked." It's just annoying.

In other news, I haven't been able to get motivated to do any work at all. None. It's getting serious. People are starting to get pissed off. Why can't they understand that I've bitten off a good deal more than I can chew and my estrogen's off the chart to boot?

Thank god that Dave is making dinner.


Blogger that girl said...

optional reasons for missing client meetings:

"i'm trying to donate my kidneys."

"my athlete's foot is flaring up."

"my husband is constipated and it's enema time."

"i am constipated and it's enema time."

"i dreamt about you last night and i just can't face you this morning."

and the personal favorite:

"i'm waiting for godot."

9:57 AM  
Blogger unique_stephen said...

Good luck with your ovary.

Well, I hope at least that they give Dave some high quality porn for his proceadure.

10:35 PM  

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