Monday, January 22, 2007

That's confusing

Good news...

Went to the doctor on Friday, and she basically said Sam has grown into his kidneys. I can't help but feel like I'm being over-tested - that this is not a big deal and it wouldn't have even been an issue if I hadn't gotten the second ultrasound. But extra baby pictures almost make up for it.

Okay news... (I'm adjusting)

My doctor still thinks we should go to the hospital so the docs there can keep an eye on Sam and check for any lingering kidney problems after he's born. She doesn't like the idea of us going home after four hours (like we would at the birthing center), and being on our own without any monitoring.

I'm uneasy about this because I would prefer not to be in the hospital. I'm hearing things like, "It's okay to have a birthing plan, but it all depends on the doctor who's on call that day," and "Once you go to the hospital, you're really on the clock. They can't have you laboring in there on your own for 48 hours! They need the room for the next lady." (My doctor said both of these things).

I guess I'm just expecting for the birth to be out of my control. But Dave will be there with me, and if there's anybody you want on your side when men in white coats are charging at your va-jay-jay with a scalpel, it's Dave.

He knows Judo.

Confusing news...

Radiology kept moving up my due date. At my first ultrasound, they said "March 4!" Then, at the second ultrasound, "March 3!" At this last ultrasound, they exclaimed "March 1!"

While we can't wait for the spud to get born already, we were starting to get a little concerned. My original due date was March 10, and since we had an IUI, we KNOW when we conceived the bugger. So the date really shouldn't move, right?

Not a problem, except that Kaiser induces you if you go 1 (one!) week (one week!) past your due date. Now, I'm certainly not in favor of an episiostomy, or a c-section, or forceps, but INDUCTION? N.O. with repeating imperative punctuation!! Certainly not one week after.

So we were worried that they were going to try to induce on March 7, when it wasn't even my real due date yet.

The response? "Oh, don't pay any attention to the dates they give you in radiology. They don't mean anything. Your due date is March 10."

Crikey! Doctors suck.

Once again, Dave reassures me. "They can't induce you if you don't show up."

I love that man.

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Blogger jennifer_starfall said...

you're scaring me. do more research until you find the answer you're looking for (several times). find a doc who agrees. and then kick the other ones in the face.

5:01 PM  
Blogger babyoog said...

I wish it were that simple. We don't have a lot of choices when it comes to our insurance plan, so we have to self-advocate within the system. Luckily, we're used to it and don't generally take any crap.

The only thing that worries me is that I'm afraid I'll be relatively incapacitated. But that's what Dave is for. It'll be fine.

5:30 PM  
Blogger unique_stephen said...

"They can't induce you if you don't show up."
Thats funny.
You know that you can induce yourself by having lots of sex. All thoes hormones washing around your innards ripen your cervix - true.

Sorry Dave, looks like you have a job to do.

7:16 PM  
Blogger babyoog said...

Poor Dave! I hope he's up to it! lol

11:28 AM  
Blogger unique_stephen said...

looks like someones birth plan went out the window

9:51 PM  
Blogger babyoog said...

Oh NO! lol

9:53 AM  

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