Thursday, February 08, 2007

I don't have a hoohaa

Thanks to CNN for this alarming report.

Seems that certain parties in Florida are offended by the word "vagina." As in, "I have a vagina." Consequently, one theater changed its marquee, which was advertising an upcoming production of The Vagina Monologues. It now says "The Hoohaa" Monologues (quotes too).

You can follow this link for all the details: Video: The what monologues?*

The otherwise hip-looking comedy club owner who had to make this decision clearly felt vindicated when TV crews showed up to do a story on the marquee. His shoulder-shrugging said it all: what's a guy to do when some lady calls up and tells him she's offended that she had to tell her niece what a vagina is? I'm sure he didn't mind the publicity either.

As for me, I don't have a hoohaa. I have a vagina. And a uterus. And two ovaries. At present, I also have a placenta, an umbilical cord, and a beautiful baby boy who, I hope, will never have to deal with idiots like these.



Blogger jennifer_starfall said...

i have a vagina, too! let's start a club.

4:33 PM  

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