Thursday, April 05, 2007

Our Anniversary

Yesterday was our fourth wedding anniversary!

My mom called around lunch time and said, "Happy Anniversary!" I said, "Oh shit."

I called Dave and we played the "Do you know what today is?" game for a little while. After a few rounds, he said, "Oh shit." And that was that.

We thought it was pretty funny that we both forgot our anniversary. Dave said, "I didn't even know it was April. I had to get past that one first."

For dinner, we had delivery pizza. Then we watched Lost. It was glorious.

In other news, Dave's work buddies had a little shower for him today. I can't wait to see the stuff they gave us.

Also, we got the baby announcements yesterday. I'm mailing most of them today, but I still have to find a few addresses.

In addition to going to the post office, I plan to stop by the bank to figure out how to deposit checks that are made out to my infant son. Shall I have him drool on the back first? I figure if I show up with the baby and the notification from the division of vital records, that should do it.

Can you believe this? In Maryland, they don't automatically send you an official birth certificate when you have a baby. They send you a notice that it's been filed. The notice advises that you can have an official copy for 12 bucks. God damn you Bob Erlich (our former governer who jacked up the fees on EVERYTHING).

That would be my "give me free access to my own damn records" rant, which I will save for another time. (Except to say that, in these United States, your doctor owns your medical records, and he doesn't have to give them to you unless he feels like it. How about that! Write a letter to the insurance commissioner if you don't believe me. I did.)

Okay, I'm off to do stuff.


Blogger that girl said...

happy anniversary!

10:38 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I HATE the, "guess what day it is" game. The very second that it's brought up, you know you're screwed. Then its just a drawn out series of questions to cause guilt and remorse, which generally ends in a gift for the woman.

Men have no defense.

Oh, and happy anniversary. At least you both forgot - that makes it ok. Unusual, but ok.

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In NYC we get the "patients bill of rights" which means that for a low cost of 75 cents a page, we can have our medical records.. Unless we say that we're taking them to another doctor- then they're free. :p

Of course, the birth cert isn't reaaaally a medical record.

I don't understand why they don't just send you the first copy for free and stick you on the multiple copies that you'll need at some point.

On the plus side-- child tax credit. :)

1:01 PM  
Blogger babyoog said...

They don't give us the first one free because Erlich ordered that all state departments must be financially self-sufficient. In other words, fees must cover all administrative costs, Sounds like a good idea - until you get you car registration renewal bill and it's double what it was two years ago. Surprise!

Oh, and your taxes didn't go down either.

1:29 PM  

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