Ta da!

What is this, a rorschach test? Here's a hint:

That's it! That's the baby! Zoomed in! Gosh, talk about tiny, huh? No heartbeat yet, but I'm told it's a little early for that. We'll probably be able to see it next week if Kaiser will pay for another ultrasound. Sheesh.
So, all in all, not the romantic, tear-jerking experience I had hoped for, but it is reassuring to see a blotch on the printout, anyway.
And, we graduated from the fertility center! That's excellent news. They people are very nice there, and I am so grateful, but I feel like we're...um...a little too close. Like maybe we should take a break - you know - just try being friends for a while. Maybe at least until, you know, I get comfortable with the fact that 43 new people have seen my vagina in the past 6 weeks.
Today we came full circle. Dr. Sagoskin ("my" doctor) was attending at the ultrasound. He's been coordinating my care, but because of the way the schedules work, I hadn't seen him since our initial consultation. Saw everybody else in the joint, but not him. Anyway, it was nice to see him today.
So that's it, for now. Normally, the center likes to do another ultrasound, but my insurance won't allow it, so it's back to my OB. Hopefully I can get an appointment soon and get that extra ultrasound back at the ranch. I'd like to see the heartbeat. That would be cool.
In other news, Andrew came by for coffee on his way back from picking up paper downtown. I gave him a copy of the ultrasound to take to Jen. Coffee and conversation were both nice.
Now I have to get back to work on these postcards before I get fired.
[ H E L L O S Q U I S H Y ! ] (that was me speaking whale so he could hear me under all that water)
oh, and this is where i stopped reading: dr. sag-o-skin? like, sack-o-skin? paging dr. sack-o-skin? hahahaha!
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