Monday, July 10, 2006


Oh god, it's turning into a pregnancy blog.

No, we can't let that happen. How boring! Like a one-note bugler!

Let me just say this one thing - beta is 2765 today. Up more than 300%, again. I'm told this is excellent. Everytime my nurse calls she sounds happier and less cautiously optimistic.

The even-better news - no more bloodwork for the foreseeable future. This is a good thing. Even though my one phlebotomy-friendly vein has gotten quite adept at healing up enough to endure a bloodletting every two days, I am prepared to let that go. 11 times. 11 times since May 30, I have had my blood drawn and run through a centrifuge. That's enough, thanks.

Oh, congrats to Molly and John, who welcomed a 7 pound 1 ounce bouncing baby girl into the world on Friday. Can't wait to meet Jane Darby and hang out with Jesse, who has probably grown 6 inches since the last time I saw him.

What else is going on? I spent all weekend working on a flash site for a client. I have learned A LOT about flash lately, mostly by necessity. This wasn't supposed to be a flash site, but it turned out that way. Oh well.

Anyway, there has been a learning curve, and it has been steep. I have a love/hate relationship with the learning curve. It is, at times, incredibly frustrating because you don't see how you're going to get through the project when you have to do a web search for every line of code. But it's so much more rewarding when you figure something out. When you're building a site that you know how to build, that's easy, but boring.

I coped by taking a lot of breaks, particulary pee breaks, which help me think.

We've had the kids for the past week or so, and they're heading back to their mother's tomorrow. That's fine. I love having them around, but I also love having tater tots for dinner if I feel like it and not worrying about what they're going to eat. Because they eat SO MUCH.

Anyway, enough rambling for one day.


Blogger Mocha said...

First of all, "phlebotomy-friendly"? Hilarious.

Secondly, have tater tots for dinner? Love that, too. I like to just make one thing and the kids are all, "Huh? That's it?" and I'm all "That's right. You want something else? Make it!"

Mother of the Year. Here I come.

4:10 PM  
Blogger that girl said...

not enough rambling! i protest!

and so what if you blog about squishy? i love hearing about squishy. and the peeing. and the tireding. i want it all.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

2:27 AM  

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