Monday, April 16, 2007

Farmer Sam

I've had to start taking photos of my kid in all his cute outfits because he is growing out of things left and right.

I actually don't know where this came from. I think my sister gave me the shirt. The overalls might have come from her too, or from Molly's insanely generous gift of all Jesse's clothes through age 3. In either case, isn't it just the cutest?

Say bye bye to the shirt. I might be able to get it on him one more time. The overalls are cool for a while, although they are terribly tricky for me to get him into. Also, the process is not without emotional trauma for him.

Mom and Dad are coming over for lunch tomorrow! Dare I have the spicy stuff at Lee's kitchen? I have a theory about spicy food and breastmilk.

In other news, he is developing his daddy's hairline as he starts to lose his baby hair. Is it coincidence that he's losing his hair in the classic pattern? Gosh, I hope so. If he loses the hair on top next and keeps the little ring around the back, he's going to look awfully silly.

Seriously, look at his little foot. Oh my god.

Okay, I'm done.


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