Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sick and tired? or, Random Stuff

Well, something is certainly going around. Just about everybody on my blog roll is either sick or totally worn out from either too much work or too much partying.

And me? I'm getting it together, I think. Or maybe "coming to terms" is a better way to put it. I still have too much work to do. I still have too many proposals to write and phone calls to return. And I have my contract job tomorrow, which means I'll be tied up all day.

Oh, that reminds me! I got a computer at the j.o.b. It has a 20" flat screen monitor. Heavens to mergatroid, it's nice! Now all I have to do is get all my kick ass Adobe software on there, and I'm set to jet.

Anyway, I had my guitar lesson yesterday, and I took the opportunity to run all this stuff by David because he's my guru. I'm pretty sure he doesn't realize he's my guru, and he'd probably deny that he's an appropriate guru if pressed on the subject, but he is wise and gives me advice whenever I ask for it.

David says that I have to learn to be flexible. That I may not get to do what I want to do precisely when I want to do it, but if I can learn to roll with the punches, everything will be fine.

He also says that everything we accomplish has an upside and a downside, so I shouldn't use up all my energy wishing I were doing something different. Just be in the moment. That's his advice.

See? I told you he was wise.

After my lesson, as I sat on the couch waiting for Dave to finish up his lesson, I made a decision. I'm not going to take on any new work until I get everything I've got completely finished.

Um, yeah.

That's a big deal for me. I am used to scrambling for dollars. But now I've got this cushy contract job, and I really can afford to say to people, "I'd love too, but I'm booked until August. Can you wait until then?" At least I think I can afford it.

Let's put it this way: the trajectory of my larger life can't afford to give in to the pressure to work all the time. The trajectory of my larger life includes Zed, and my family, and my friends (the real ones - not clients) and my life as a creative. My voice. I can't afford for it to get lost in the shuffle.

Speaking about my voice, saw an amazing concert on Friday. Pete Huttlinger and Tommy Emmanuel at Goucher College. People, it was like 3 1/2 hours of jaw dropping guitar-dom. Dave and I love Pete. He is fun, and Dave's played a few of his arrangements ("Josie," "Fields of Gold"). I've been working on a Tommy Emmanuel piece called "Angelina," which I now have renewed fervor for since seeing him play. The room was full of guitar players who were litterally gasping throughout his performance. Amazing.

Oh, and finally, we watched the last disk of season 1 of Lost last night. Now we are desperate for season 2. Those bastards! The whole family is in an uproar.

Well, that was long. Time to squeeze in a few minutes of work before taking off to spend Father's Day with Dave and the boys. Happy FD, everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guitar lessons. That's so freakin' cool.

5:25 PM  
Blogger babyoog said...

mt, don't let my apparent coolness fool you. I am merely attempting to compensate for total dorkdom.

It's a blast though.

5:01 AM  
Blogger Mocha said...

Hey, I am really digging your writing. So easy to follow and funny in the right spots.

But, I'm easy to please. ;-)

Oh, and I just told my family tonight about what a runcible spoon is and they were all WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT? and looking at me crazy. The dorks.

6:33 PM  

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