Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Slept til 11?

Just got myself a little perspective.

I was reading back in my archives and got to the pregnancy posts. You'll remember those - they were all about me sitting on my ass watching television with NOTHING to do, just waiting for the baby to be born. There was lots of whining about how I was so BORED and just wanted to the baby to GET HERE.

One post was called "Slept til 11". It all feels like a past life.

I wouldn't change a thing.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Daddy is funny

For oh so many reasons.

First of all, Daddy doesn't know the name of a single plant. Not one. So when we go to Brookside Gardens for a stroll, we have a series of conversations that go something like this:

Dave (exclaims): "Look at those Yellows!"
Ann (mummers): "Forsythia"
Dave (exclaims): "And those Reds! Wow, those Reds are gorgeous."
Ann (mummers): "Tulips"
Dave (exclaims): "What about those Yellows over there!?"
Ann (mummers): "Daffodils"
Dave: "What?"
Ann: "Daffodils. They're called Daffodils. Or Jonquils. Same thing."
Dave: "Like I said, those Yellows are cool!"

These exchanges alternately make me feel like a nobel laureate and a snooty ass. But mostly they make me smile because my husband is such a goof.

Daddy is also funny because he laid on this brick wall with the baby. And it reminded me of a Beatles album cover for some reason.

I squatted to take this picture. That's right, I can squat again. Woo hoo!

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Today, they had an international bazaar (read: fundraiser) at Max's school. His jazz band (Max and the Maxalettes... ha!) played for tips for a few hours over by the grill. Max, 16, decided to announce at the mic that the baby in the green jungle animal stroller was his son and he needed to raise money to feed him.

Number 2 son is pimping out his brother.

They raised $20.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Caught ya!

So tonight I'm writing a proposal on behalf of one of my clients. Tomorrow, I get to gather up all my files and go to their office for a few hours to print and assemble the thing.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing these people. (These are the same folks I couldn't wait to get away from three months ago). I guess I'm looking forward to it because of the distinct lack of adult interaction I've experienced over the last month. Plus, they'll all be ogling baby pictures like nobody's business.

This afternoon, we swung by a local school to pick Max up from his alleged baseball game. (It was canceled due to a scheduling FUBAR). He brought a bunch of his teammates and coaches over to meet Sam. They were all so excited to see the baby, but of course they hid it under a heavy dose of 10th grader cynicism.

Actually, Max's friends are markedly less cynical than I was at their age.

Anyway, I totally caught Max being proud to show off his baby brother, and that made me happy.

Right after we dropped Max off at his mom's, we (Dave, Sam and I) went to a burger joint for dinner. As I stood at the counter ordering, I surreptitiously watched as my husband picked our baby up out of the stroller, looked in his eyes, and told him the story of his day. Some lady near me said, "That's a good daddy." And I was like, "Yeah, that is a good daddy."

He didn't know I was looking.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Farmer Sam

I've had to start taking photos of my kid in all his cute outfits because he is growing out of things left and right.

I actually don't know where this came from. I think my sister gave me the shirt. The overalls might have come from her too, or from Molly's insanely generous gift of all Jesse's clothes through age 3. In either case, isn't it just the cutest?

Say bye bye to the shirt. I might be able to get it on him one more time. The overalls are cool for a while, although they are terribly tricky for me to get him into. Also, the process is not without emotional trauma for him.

Mom and Dad are coming over for lunch tomorrow! Dare I have the spicy stuff at Lee's kitchen? I have a theory about spicy food and breastmilk.

In other news, he is developing his daddy's hairline as he starts to lose his baby hair. Is it coincidence that he's losing his hair in the classic pattern? Gosh, I hope so. If he loses the hair on top next and keeps the little ring around the back, he's going to look awfully silly.

Seriously, look at his little foot. Oh my god.

Okay, I'm done.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Guitar! (at last)

Guitar started up again today.

I wasn't quite ready, but Dave hurt his hand, so I decided to go back to preserve our lesson time. I'm glad I did.

First of all, I missed David. I gave him a hug when I saw him. He had no idea what to do with that, but he was a good sport.

And, I missed playing. I might have been a little burnt out before Sam was born, when I was trying to cram in all kinds of work and, consequently, my brain hurt most of the time. But now, after a solid month of diaper changes and spit up, when the most complicated calculation in my day is "how long since I fed him last?", it felt really good to do something that was mentally challenging.

That's why the situation with work is going to be okay too. Because it will all work out for the best, and because I just might start enjoying it again.

Off to mail the tax returns!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Settling in

I'm settling in to being a mom. Today, Sam woke up extra early, but then had a good long nap in the morning. Then we went to the post office, then to the park for a nice long walk.

Dave came home for a couple of hours after work, but had to take off for Max's band concert. While he was home, we gave the kid a bath.

Now I'm scared. Because I'm supposed to be "back at work" on Monday, whatever that means. The sum total of my "childcare" arrangements consists of my husband, who telecommutes most Fridays, and the occassional half-day with my mother, which I dare not abuse. And, from the emails I've been getting, it seems that all my clients are raring to go.

I thought I'd figure this out when the time came, but lightning has yet to strike. And god damn, I'm tired. Not the right state of mind for striking a balance between being a mom and a faithful worker bee, while pretending to all sides that I can do both full-time.

I keep telling myself that it won't be THAT much harder than doing all my work while holding down a 20 hour/week job with a wicked commute, and doing it all while I was pregnant.



Saturday, April 07, 2007

So smart!

My kid's a genius.

Not only is his head size in the 77th percentile even though he is average for height and weight, but he is batting for objects at 3 weeks. The proof is in the pudding, people.

[It starts. I swore I wouldn't go all soccer-mom, but it looks like I'm already on my way.]


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Our Anniversary

Yesterday was our fourth wedding anniversary!

My mom called around lunch time and said, "Happy Anniversary!" I said, "Oh shit."

I called Dave and we played the "Do you know what today is?" game for a little while. After a few rounds, he said, "Oh shit." And that was that.

We thought it was pretty funny that we both forgot our anniversary. Dave said, "I didn't even know it was April. I had to get past that one first."

For dinner, we had delivery pizza. Then we watched Lost. It was glorious.

In other news, Dave's work buddies had a little shower for him today. I can't wait to see the stuff they gave us.

Also, we got the baby announcements yesterday. I'm mailing most of them today, but I still have to find a few addresses.

In addition to going to the post office, I plan to stop by the bank to figure out how to deposit checks that are made out to my infant son. Shall I have him drool on the back first? I figure if I show up with the baby and the notification from the division of vital records, that should do it.

Can you believe this? In Maryland, they don't automatically send you an official birth certificate when you have a baby. They send you a notice that it's been filed. The notice advises that you can have an official copy for 12 bucks. God damn you Bob Erlich (our former governer who jacked up the fees on EVERYTHING).

That would be my "give me free access to my own damn records" rant, which I will save for another time. (Except to say that, in these United States, your doctor owns your medical records, and he doesn't have to give them to you unless he feels like it. How about that! Write a letter to the insurance commissioner if you don't believe me. I did.)

Okay, I'm off to do stuff.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I folded the laundry

I know, it doesn't seem like much, but I am pretty darn proud of myself.

In other news, Dave went back to work today. I was terrified, but so far, the day is going pretty well. The boy is taking a little nap just now. I suspect he'll wake up any minute.

Talked to Dave on the phone. He's miserable.

Dave has been amazingly encouraging. I am so grateful.

Also, I went to the store to buy shorts yesterday. The good thing about getting pregnant in June is that you spend pretty much all winter (and only winter) in maternity clothes. But yesterday, it was HOT, and none of my shorts fit.

I stupidly went to my regular store and picked out a few pairs - all in my regular size. Ha ha.

I would like to brag, however, that I am currently a mere 1 1/2 sizes bigger than I was when I got pregnant. I am amazed by this. I really thought it would take longer to get here. Not that I'm stressing about it. But it was pretty cool to walk out of the dressing room to get some sales-girl advice and watch their jaws hit the floor when I told them I had just had a baby - 2 weeks ago. They were pretty darn impressed.

Okay, enough of that. My other goal for today - register Sam for health insurance. Now where is that darn form?